Reading Fluency: Part 3 Prosody—Expression

In the previous blogs, I have discussed the rate and accuracy of reading fluency. In this blog I will discuss the third part of reading fluency – prosody. Prosody is the personality of written words. It gives the listener the ability to better comprehend what the writer is trying convey. Prosody, although just one part of reading fluency, is complex. Prosody includes the differences of pitch, duration, stress, and pausing of the reader (Karageoros, Wallot, Müller, Schindler, & Richter, 2023). Proper comprehension depends on those intricate pieces of prosody synchronizing. Research has concluded that prosody usually predicts student reading comprehension abilities (Paige, 2020).

When reading written words, a person instantaneously processes them for pronunciation and meaning. They use multiple skills and sections of the brain, such as orthographic mapping, personal lexicon, syntax and decoding skills. Some of these skills are learned naturally through the environment or the modeling of individuals. Some may also need instruction in how to transfer the expression of oral language to written words. Most prosody skills need to be explicitly and systematically taught.

Types of Instruction that Help Students to Learn Prosody Skills

1. Instruction of foundational reading skills. These skills should be explicitly and systematically taught.
a. The first foundational skill is phonological awareness – the ability to process and manipulate letter sounds, rhyming words, and segmenting of sounds within words.
b. The second foundational skill is phoneme-grapheme correspondences. This gives students the opportunity to learn the visual representation of oral sound.
c. The third and fourth foundational skills are syllables and morphemes. These skills give students the power to chunk words in to parts instead of individual letters. This also gives students the power to link meaning to those chunks.
d. The fifth foundational skill is syntax, which is the study of sentences structure – punctuation, sequence, and function of words within a sentence.
e. The sixth foundational skill is semantics. The study of how parts of words, words, and groups of words create meaning to written passages.

2. Practice, Practice, Practice! Choral, echo and whisper reading are ways to practice oral reading. Students might also read to an animal, person, tree, etc.

3. General conversation – allowing students the opportunity to visit or collaborate about common subjects or projects.

4. Reader’s Theatre – Students practice reading and giving expression to written words. Students usually practice their lines over and over to make sure that they accurately bring the person they are emulating to life. This allows the student to practice the pitch, duration, stress, and pausing of the different words.

5. Teacher modeling of prosody, such as reading a story, passage, or phrase aloud with and to students. Teachers model how readers might bring written words to life, as they read aloud. This strengthens the comprehension of the listener. Most students “soak in” teacher verbiage and often mimic their prosody.

6. Partner reading – when two students take turns reading to each other at their learning level. Partner reading has many benefits, one being the ability to model and observe different ways written language might be brought to life.

7. Purposeful, direct instruction in relation to prosody. This might include a lesson on punctuation – how punctuation of a sentence will change the inflections of words. This might also include poetic reading.

Hasbrouck, Jan (2024). Fluency principles for practice. 2024 IDA Conference.

Karageoros, P., Wallot, S., Müller, B. Schindler, J., & Richter, T. (2023). Distinguishing between struggling and skilled readers based on their prosodic speech patterns in oral reading: an exploratory study in grades 2 and 4. Acta Psychologica, 235(May 2023), 1-11.

Paige, D. D. (2020). Reading Fluency: A Brief history, the Importance of Supporting Processes, and the Role of Assessment. ERIC: ED607625.

Wilson, B. (2011). Instruction for older students with a word-level reading disability. In Birsh. J.R. (Ed.), Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills (3rd Edition, pp. 487-516). Brookes, Pub Co.

Book Reading Activities

COVID-19 temporarily changed how we live our daily lives, in particular how we educate our youth.  Most schools have gone to a “long-distant”, digital format to continue providing instruction and practice for students to continue their formal education.  Students have more time to read and should be making this a top priority.  This is one of the most important educational practices a student can do during this time.  Students should be reading novels or books that have longer story lines.  Students should be reading books closer to their reading ability.  Many educational sites are offering free downloads of novels for students to read.  Most school sites also have books that can be downloaded or read on-line.  Students who are not used to reading written words on electronic devices may struggle at reading and processing the written words.  So, this may make the process of reading and comprehending written words slower than  normal. 

The following options are possible exercises that students can do at home to increase reading achievement.  Most of these options can be used with either non-fiction or fiction books.  These practices usually increase student knowledge and cognition.  The exercise of reading continues to strengthen and develop brain connections that increase student literacy abilities.  These “brain muscles” should have regular exercise.

  • Keep a journal about what they have read each day or time they read.  This journal can include pictures that convey a character or passage of what they have read.
  • Write a summary of each chapter, four to eight sentences. Writing a paragraph that has a topic sentence followed by detail sentences or sentences that describe the details of the chapter, and a conclusion sentence about the chapter.
  • Write a summary of the book. This summary should include details about the beginning, middle, and end.  The amount of details that should be included in the summary will be different at each stage of the maturation process.  Students can also include details about the major characters and pictures about the different settings and characters, etc.
  • Draw a picture of your favorite character(s). Students should include four or five colors to express the character.  The process is especially helpful for younger students.  I have taught many older students who also enjoy this process. Older students should be held accountable for writing about the picture.  I often have students write a paragraph. 
  • Described the main character(s). Students might describe what they look like, what the character(s)enjoy, what they don’t like, and how the character(s) spend their time.
  • Described the setting of the story. Students might describe one setting or several settings of a novel.  Students might include pictures and written words to describe the setting of the story.  Some of the information displayed by the students may be inferred information.  This means that each written description or picture may be different, as we all have different backgrounds of knowledge. 
  • Draw a picture of the setting or favorite scene in the book.
  • Describe the problem or climax of the book. This is something that not every student can grasp, some may need discussion to fully comprehend or pinpoint the problem or climax of the book.
  • Face-time (or contact through an electronic device) a relative, classmate, or friend to describe the plot of the story, character, chapter, etc.
  • Buddy read; this can be accomplished in different formats. Younger students can read aloud to higher level siblings, older students can read aloud to younger students.  Students can read the same book, using an electronic device or a phone.
  • Read to a pet. Most students love to read to a pet.
  • Read aloud to self. This engages the hearing and well as the visual senses to process the written words.  This is especially helpful to early or struggling readers.
  • Discuss what your reading with a classmate, parent, friend, or relative. This may need to take place using an electronic device.  
  • Read with a parent. The student and parent take turns reading.  They might read either every other line of a story, read every other paragraph of the story, or read every other page of the story.  The format is usually dependent on student ability.  I prefer reading every other paragraph.
  • Develop a 3-D model of your favorite setting or part of the book.  The 3-D model can be made of play-dough, clay, wood, tin foil, beans, paper, or anything that you may have on hand.   


Enjoy this time to read and explore, travel through books!  




Instructional Notes of Grade 4 Writing Assignment-differentiating, scaffolding

I was substituting in a Grade 4 classroom at a Title 1 school, where most students qualified for free meals. I had substituted in this classroom a few times before, so I was familiar with their learning abilities. Many of the students were English second language (ESL) learners. Most of the students were at-risk for literacy.

The regular classroom teacher had left the task of independently reading a passage and drawing a picture or writing a summary about the passage. Since I was familiar with the learning abilities present in this class, I chose to have students (voluntarily) take turns reading the passage. This may have created some confusion as most could not read the passage fluidly. When we finished reading the passage, I ask them to begin drawing or writing their interpretation of the passage. I usually let students work independently on the assignment before beginning to verbally work through the assignment. (The tricky thing about being a substitute is that it’s not really your job to teach, more to facilitate. Most of the time unless you have the ability to visit a classroom multiple times you do not know the learning capabilities of the students.)

After about 5 or so minutes, most of the students seemed to be lost in how to interpret the passage. I began verbally rereading the passage, one or two sentences at time. I then asked students to verbally explain what the read sentences meant. Students were still struggling, so I began to break down the sentences in phrases and words. I learned that students did not know the meaning of key words. I found myself explaining snow-capped rooves and other items within the passage to help them understand the meaning. I used pictures and the dictionary as sources to help students learn how to research the meaning. Most students were then able to draw a picture of the passage. And one or two students were able to translate their picture into words. I asked those students that were able to translate their pictures into words to read their interpretation of the passage. I used those words/sentences about the passage as examples that I wrote on the board. Students who were still struggling to write their own translation of the passage were allowed to copy, this helps to develop brain connections for writing words. As the lesson moved along students began to relax, which allowed them to process the information into the form necessary to accomplish the task.

Instructional Notes—Analysis of the Lesson
I had taken for granted that most of the students in this classroom would know the meaning of most of the words. The words were of things present in the community. The passage was talking about snowcapped roofs, chimneys, shapes of houses, and fireplaces. Many individuals in this community use fireplaces and wood stoves to heat their home and there is a ski resort within an hour of school.

Students initial lack of understanding could be derived from multiple issues. Students may not have learned the name of those things described in the passage in their native language, in English, or in both their native language and English. Students may also have learning issues that impede them from translating written words into their own words. This may have been the first time for some students to translate a passage into a picture or into their own words.

My point is students should have the opportunity to reverse, learn or review, and then regroup before moving forward again. Many students need to be shown and reshown and reshown how to accomplish a task. Often students need the task broken down into manageable parts, many will focus on the portion that they cannot accomplish and because of anxiety of that part will not accomplish the parts they can do. Most students do not want you to do the work for them. Students usually will begin writing their own words, after many opportunities to practice. It takes time to develop the brain connections necessary for fluid writing.

Reading Your Environment

The summer break from the school classroom allows more time to explore and expand our knowledge and strengthen our literacy skills through our surrounding environment. Most adults do not take the time to explore and ponder our environment. Partly because we may already know what a sign means or what an object is or the information presented does not seem important to us. Accompanying children often miss the opportunity to learn or build their comprehension bank as adults are not taking the time to stop and explain or read the information aloud with them to absorb or ponder. This does not mean that you have to stop at every opportunity. But making the time to stop when these opportunities arise can ease the process for children in developing new literacy brain connections and/or reinforcing established connections. The opportunities for exploring our environment/world are endless; many are natural, some need to be planned. Some suggestions of planned exploration are explained in the following paragraphs.

Visit a museum. Museums are usually an opportunity for children to practice their reading skills and learn new things. I do suggest museums that included opportunities for children to touch and explore. Museums usually have opportunities for children or young adults to read information about the different displays or activities. Many museums will have opportunities for individuals to take part in different kinds of activities. The activities can include: a) digging for fossils or relicts that may explain how individuals lived in that area, b) exploring how magnets work, c) exploring how the human body works, d) planting flowers or vegetables, or e) building with Legos. The list of possible activities for children to participate in will depend on the focus and resources of the museum. Museums can also create curiosity that may lead to opportunities to research information learned further at home or at a library. While at museums children are expanding their knowledge through oral and printed words. Children are also expanding their knowledge or building new brain connections through their sense of touch.

Go for a walk or hike. Many communities have trails that include signs along the way to explain a special feature or plant. Most trails will have signs for you to follow to ensure that you’re going in the right direction. Many trails will have signs about special places, plants or wildlife. Stop and read the signs with your children and assist them in understanding what the signs mean. Most trails will include wildlife and plants. Stop and exam the structure of a plant or talk about how the plant receives nutrients. Or stop and observe an animal, maybe it has young or is gathering food. Talk about safe and unsafe animals and how to spot them. If you’re not native to walking or hiking, I do recommend that you ask others about the walk or hike and what you might need to take with you on your journey.

Visit a state and/or national park. They can be good source to increase and strengthen literacy brain connections. Each park will have a focus and all parks are not the right park for you and your family. Most parks do offer activities for individuals age 0-99. The focus of the park will dictate the opportunities available, some will allow fishing others will not. Some will offer programs for children to learn about native animals, plants, or the stars. Some may include touring caves, gold mines, or rock climbing. Many parks will also include guided or self-tours for the whole family. All parks will have opportunities for individuals to read written words.

Visit a bookstore that has sections of books for children and young adults to explore. I tend to gravitate towards Barnes and Noble, because they usually carry books on every topic and genre for individuals age 0-100. Bookstores often have story time that give children an opportunity to listen to a story. Some stores also include activities for children to complete after the story. Some stores will also have activities for young adults, like book clubs or book discussions on a particular book(s).

Visit a library-get a library card. Libraries can also be a wonderful place to read about the environment. Libraries can be a time to sit and read with your children. Libraries often have story time that follow with activities for children to complete. Most libraries offer the opportunity to download a book to read at home. Most libraries will have audio versions of a book that allow children or young adults to either listen to or read along with the audio. Many libraries will have a summer program for children to participate in.

Driving in your vehicle. The road can be an opportunity to read your environment. Look for a particular sign. Read license plates—look for particular states, letters, or numbers. Read mileage signs; discuss your destination—how many miles do we still need to go?, what is the next town?, etc. Read signs about a town or community along your way. Discuss what the color of each road sign means.

Read the store while shopping. Read the ingredients included in the can or package with your child. Read the signs of where to find things. Read the labels on the boxes. If you have a pet or if your thinking about getting one, visit the pet section. Talk about the different varieties of beds or fish tanks. What will be or is best for your pet. Discuss the different types of fish and how to best care for each type of fish.

Development of Reading Connections in the Brain

Translating written language into meaning or the process of reading is like completing a dot to dot picture. The brain has to connect the right dots or take the right highways and sideroads to deeply or fully comprehend written language. The complex process of connecting the right dots begins at conception, as brain connections are organized or cataloged through predetermined genetic design. The original or genetic organization can be altered or changed through a child’s environment.

Individuals are not naturally wired with the connections to process letters into usable information. The brain has to develop those connections to process written letters into useable information, which begins at birth through oral language. A child’s verbal communication connections serve as a reference for the process of developing written processing connections. Some children can more easily develop the right connections to use written language. Meaning they pick up letter names and their corresponding sounds and are able to build words and their meanings into usage information without purposeful instruction. Most children need planned instruction to learn each letter and the letter’s corresponding sound(s) and how to develop letters into meaningful words. Most children also need planned instruction to break down words into sounds and meaning. And some children will need explicit, systematic instruction to fully digest letters, words, and sentences into useable information. Understanding what type of literacy instruction children need will follow in a future post.


International Dyslexia Association Conference; Dr. Louisa Moats, Dr. F. Hoeft, & Dr. K. Pugh
Binet, A. & Simon, T. (1916) The development of intelligence in children. Williams & Wilkins Co.
Fowler, W. (1983). Potentials of childhood (Vol 1.) D.C. Health & Co.
Piaget, J. & Inhelder, B. (1966). The psychology of the child. Basic Books.
Vygotsky, L. (1934). Thought and language. MIT Press.




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